Under Construction!
Studio Grand Rapids is in the middle of rebuilding and updating new content!
The new website will be updating throughout 2025, and fully launched in early 2026. Looking to book a date? No worries! Bookings are still available for the 2025 season, feel free to reach out and chat with me through the button below!
Pricing and Packages
Why do photographers call their services Investments?
Photos are an investment that will last a lifetime.
Don't think of your photographer as a vendor looking to trade services for money, think of your photographer as a storyteller capturing your authentic, one-of-a-kind moments, transforming them into your own tale as old as time.
Your photo session is an investment, an assurance that we’ll capture all the intimate moments that are otherwise easily forgotten, and gone forever. Once you have them, you'll use them to share
- engagement announcements
- wedding save-the-dates
- maternity announcements
- graduations parties
- holiday cards and letters
... and connecting with friends and loved ones on social media, where you can continue to look back for years to come.
Photographers are dedicated to capturing precious moments that become the storybook of your life.